Archiv für den Autor: cym

Cym & Nadira Alaraj

‚A man off his word‘

How many people these days can do what they promised to do? The people did change, no more we can find a handful of people whom we can rely on.  If this is on the personal level, what we can say about the community level? How can we solve conflicts? How can we protect people’s identity? How can we protect people’s dignity? Is there a way to protect those people? Is the international community doing its job? Are the decisions taken at the international forums walking the talks? Weiterlesen

Marlene Stoißer


Ein Thema, das in meiner Arbeit immer wiederkehrt, ist der Versuch für mein atheistisches Weltbild eine eigene Bildsprache zu entwickeln.
In der Serie „0“ rücken abstrakte Flächen in die Weiterlesen

Samar Ghattas

Samar Ghattas is a modern Palestinian visual Artist. She received her Master degree in fine arts and graphic design from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kiev, Ukraine. Thereafter she returned to her homeland Bethlehem, Weiterlesen

Annette Vlug

In 1990, I graduated from the School for Photography and I started working as a photojournalist. For more than 15 years I worked for a big local newspaper (Utrechts Nieuwsblad) and for the Weiterlesen

Ida Kreutzer

Die Fotoserie „Women“ entstand über mehrere Jahre und so, wie die Modelle vor der Kamera gewechselt haben, hat sich auch mein Blickwinkel zum Thema verändert.

Zuerst wollte ich die interessanten Frauen, die ich Weiterlesen

Katherine Strause

Found photographs are the source material for these paintings. Katherine Strause’s compositions allow us to bear witness to familiar stories through images of our shared past. By altering and re-arranging the Weiterlesen